
Ruby API to send sms with Zenvia's REST Api

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Zenvia Rest Rails

Ruby API to send sms with Zenvia's REST Api, based on https://github.com/lmorais/zenvia-ruby

create zenvia config initializer

rails g zenvia:install

after config file was created on 'config/initializers/zenvia.rb', you can set your config params:

require 'zenvia'

Zenvia.configure do |config|
  config.account  = ENV['ZENVIA_ACCOUNT']
  config.code     = ENV['ZENVIA_CODE']
  config.from     = 'name of message sender. Ex. MY BUSINESS'
  config.callback_option = 'zenvia callback option. default is NONE'


require 'zenvia'

# Sending a SMS

sms = Zenvia::Sms.new('your-sms-id', 'test message!', '5591999999999')


You can also add two more parameters on 'send' method:

  1. schedule_date: String or DateTime
  2. aggregate_id: String
require 'zenvia'

# Sending a SMS with schedule_date and aggregate_id

sms = Zenvia::Sms.new('your-sms-id', 'test message!', '5591999999999', '2016-11-22T18:13:00', '111')


#=> {"statusCode"=>"00",
#     "statusDescription"=>"Ok",
#     "detailCode"=>"000",
#     "detailDescription"=>"Message Sent"}

sms.sent? #=> true

Send Return

 "detailDescription"=>"Message Sent"}

For more information about returned codes: http://docs.zenviasmsenus.apiary.io/#introduction/status-table

Contributing to zenvia-rest-rails

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  3. Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  4. Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.

See LICENSE.txt for further details.