
This is a customize V6 file system, which utilize the unused bit in the inode flag, expanding the max file size to 2^25 bytes.


load nameOfFileSystem

this command can load the existing file system
if the file doesn't exist, create a new file system with the name given
ex. load myV6

here's an alternative choice for loading the file system when you start the program
ex. ./a.out myV6

initfs blockNum inodeNum

this command can initialize the file system that loaded
ex. initfs 1024 30

show arg1 arg2

this command can show the content of super block and the content of inode
for super block, the arg1 is "super"
ex. show super

for inode, the arg1 is "inode", and the arg2 is the inode number
ex. show inode 2


this command can list all the content in the current directory
ex. ls

cd path

this command can change the current directory
for path start from the current directory
ex. cd aa/bb

for path start from the root
ex. cd /aa/bb

for going back to the parent directory
ex. cd ..

mkdir nameOfDir

this command can create a new directory in the current directory
ex. cd aa

cpin nameOfExternalFile

this command can copy external file to the current directory
ex. cpin fsaccess.c

cpout nameOfV6File

this command can copy file in the current directory to the external file system
P.S. the external file named "V6-nameOfV6File"
ex. cpout fsaccess.c

rm nameOfFile

this command can remove file or directory in the current directory
P.S. when removing a directory, the content in the directory will also be removed
ex. rm aa


this command can close the loaded file system
ex. close


this command can terminate the program
ex. q