
Development repository for the STARLinG Lab's webpage. Built wtih Jekyll, jQuery, and the minimal-mistakes Jekyll theme.

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


Development repository for the StARLinG Lab's webpage. Built with Jekyll, jQuery, and the minimal-mistakes Jekyll theme.

Maintained by Alexander L. Hayes and Harsha Kokel.

Contact: {alexander.hayes/harsha.kokel}@utdallas.edu

Quick-start Guide (Linux and OSX)

  • Install Ruby and RubyGems (refer to Jekyll installation and quick-start guide).
  • git clone https://github.com/boost-starai/boost-starai.github.io.git
  • gem install jekyll bundler
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Navigate to in your browser.

Creating a Production Build

  1. Make sure your branch is even with the master branch.

  2. Tag the current state as a new version (based on SemVer).

  3. Trigger a production build with Jekyll.

  4. Move the _site folder produced by Jekyll to the appropriate location on the Apache server.

     $ git branch --list
     $ git pull
     $ git tag --list
     $ git tag -a v1.0.7 -m "This fixes x, y, and z."
     $ git push origin v1.0.7
     $ JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build


Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for documentation on submitting issues and pull requests.

A Guide to Updating the Website has more information on how to author new pages, and the same directory has templates that may be useful.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See LICENSE.txt for a full copy of the license.


This work incorporates work from the following sources: