
My M.Sc thesis on Continuous time Bayesian Network Classifiers (CTBNCs)

Primary LanguageTeX

CTBN Analytics

This repository contains the tex source of my M.Sc. thesis on Continuous time Bayesian Networks (CTBNs).


  • Theory
    • Continuous time Bayesian Networks
    • Continuous time Bayesian Network Classifiers
    • Continuous time Bayesian Network structure learning
  • Development
    • Analysis of the relative R packages developed
    • Analysis and description of the .dll extension developed to generate traffic dataset from TSIS
  • Case Studies
    • Tutorials about the main R package
    • Experimentations and performance analysis


Based on a customization of the ClassicThesis style, obtained through the ArsClassica package and other customizations made by me.

How to compile


  • Texlive (or similar) complete distribution
  • ArsClassica package installed
  • Sublime Text 2
  • Sublime Text 2 LaTeXTools package installed
  • Graphviz installed (dot utility have to be in the $PATH variable)
  • Compiling: pdflatex with option -shell-escape


  1. Use the LaTeX sublime text 2 build tool provided to compile tesi.tex
  2. Open tesi-frn.tex and compile it to generate the frontispiece related tesi-frn.pdf file
  3. Compile again tesi.tex to insert the frontispiece
  4. Run makeindex -s classic tesi in the shell (into the project directory) to build the definitive (and better) arclassica analytical index(*)
  5. Recompile tesi.tex

Note: tesi.sublime-project file set tesi.tex file as the tex root file for the project.

(*) Thi step is required each time a new indexed term (or keyword) is added.