
Repository with Rancher lab and different applications to try Docker

MIT LicenseMIT

Demo Docker

The objective of this project is to try Docker with different applications and in a clusterized solution, using Rancher for that.


  • Vagrant

Quick start guide

vagrant up

The preceding command will create three virtual machines using Vagrant:

  • rancher-server: this machine will have both Rancher server and CLI client.
  • node1: node that will join Rancher cluster and will be available to run containers on.
  • node2: node that will join Rancher cluster and will be available to run containers on.


So far there is just one application, called phpMyFAQ. To start it, after both nodes have correctly joined to Rancher cluster:

vagrant ssh rancher-server
sudo su
cd /vagrant/applications/phpmyfaq
rancher up

That will bring phpMyFAQ up and available at either:


If the preexisting MySQL dump haven't been correctly loaded the following errors will start appearing after node1 is created.

==> node1: ERROR: is not accessible (The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found)
==> node1: ERROR: is not accessible (The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found)

To solve them:

vagrant ssh rancher-server
sudo su
docker exec -i rancher mysql cattle < /vagrant/src/rancher.sql


This project is released under the terms of the MIT license. However, several third-party products are used, so please refer to each product website to check its license.
