
A simple lotery game with sepolia test network to study fundamentals of solidity and web3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lottery Smart Contract

This smart contract, written in Solidity, implements a simple lottery system on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows participants to enter the lottery by sending a specified amount of Ether and enables the contract manager to randomly pick a winner who receives the entire lottery pot.

Contract Overview

The Lotery.sol contract provides the following functionalities:

  • Entering the Lottery: Participants can enter the lottery by sending at least 0.1 Ether.
  • Picking a Winner: The contract manager, who is initially set as the contract deployer, can initiate the selection of a winner. The winner is randomly chosen among the participants, and the entire lottery balance is transferred to them.
  • Manager Access: Certain functionalities are restricted to the contract manager, including picking the winner.

Contract Details


  • enter(): Allows participants to enter the lottery by sending a minimum amount of Ether.
  • pickWinner(): Can be called only by the contract manager. Randomly selects a winner and transfers the entire lottery balance to them.
  • getPlayers(): Retrieves the addresses of participants who entered the lottery.


To interact with the lottery contract:

  1. Deploy the Lotery.sol contract to an Ethereum network (e.g., Ropsten, Rinkeby, or a local testnet).
  2. Use a Web3 provider or a DApp interface to:
    • Enter the lottery by sending the required Ether using the enter() function.
    • Use the pickWinner() function (accessible only to the contract manager) to select a winner.

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • Solidity Compiler (solc)
  • Web3 library (if interacting with the contract programmatically)


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/your-username/lottery-smart-contract.git
  2. Install dependencies: npm install

Running Tests

Run the provided test suite to verify contract functionality:

npm test