
Add Option to hold state as "completed" for x minutes

KevinFromUpThere opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey! Love the blueprint. I use it to update a picture card on my front dashboard with adorable pictures - "laundry is idle", "laundry in progress" and "laundry is complete".

laundry images

The problem for me is, it hits that "complete" and then is immediately "idle". I would love to have an input of x minutes to hold state "complete" so the card notifies everyone looking at the dashboard that there is stuff in the washing machine that needs moved on.

I have a separate input boolean helper for each appliance for "Ready status" that is updated by the ASM custom actions. "new job cycle" = off, "job cycle resumes" = off, "job cycle is finished" = on. Then you can switch it off manually when the appliance is emptied (or via a door sensor or similar).