This is an adjusted version of the Darcula color scheme by JetBrains.
Palette | Hex | RGB |
Text | #bbbbbd |
187 187 189 |
Background | #252024 |
37 32 36 |
Current line | #323232 |
50 50 50 |
Foreground | #a9b7c6 |
169 183 198 |
Comment | #808080 |
128 128 128 |
Palette | Hex | RGB |
Black | #000000 |
0 0 0 |
Red | #b94640 |
185 70 64 |
Green | #379c1a |
55 156 26 |
Yellow | #c7ad3a |
199 173 58 |
Blue | #2d67c4 |
45 103 196 |
Magenta | #985acf |
152 90 207 |
Cyan | #299999 |
41 153 153 |
White | #adadaf |
173 173 175 |
Some colors in the iTerm2 profile had to be adjusted so that they look the same as in the Terminal app:
Palette | Hex | RGB |
Green | #549a34 |
84 154 52 |
Yellow | #c3ae4f |
195 174 79 |
Cyan | #4e9798 |
78 151 152 |
Even with the adjusted colors, the Terminal app seems to display the fonts brighter than iTerm2:
Two things have been changed besides the color scheme:
- No italic styles (just a matter of personal preference)
- No green phpDoc comments (they are now gray like all other comments)
Check the
files in the application folders for instructions.