
xls2csv working with python3

Primary LanguagePython


this is a slightly modified version of

Cli command

Usage: xls2csv -i <IFNAME> -o <OFNAME>

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IFNAME, --input=IFNAME
 input Excel filename
-o OFNAME, --output=OFNAME
 output CSV filename
 sheet number to convert (1st sheet is numbered '0', so it's 0 by default)
 separator used in the csv file (';' as Excel default conversion character)
-e, --enclose-text
 enclose text values into double-quote characters
 override the input file encoding (useful for excel 95 and earlier versions)
 set the output file encoding (utf-8 by default)
 give column numbers as a list with ':' as separator, like 1:25:41 or 'all' for converting all colums For these columns, if the cell contains a number, it will be considered as an integer
 give row numbers to remove as a list with ':' as separator, like 2:3:56
 give column numbers to remove as a list with ':' as separator, like 6:89:7
 character for line ending : CRLF (windows) or LF (unix) default
--stats print statistics about the Excel file
-q, --quiet don't print status messages to stdout