
The data layer is a persistent abstraction component of your database that PDO (O data layer é um componente para abstração de persistência no seu banco de dados que usa PDO com prepared statements)

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Data Layer @CoffeeCode

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The data layer is a persistent abstraction component of your database that PDO has prepared instructions for performing common routines such as registering, reading, editing, and removing data.

O data layer é um componente para abstração de persistência no seu banco de dados que usa PDO com prepared statements para executar rotinas comuns como cadastrar, ler, editar e remover dados.

About CoffeeCode

CoffeeCode is a set of small and optimized PHP components for common tasks. Held by Robson V. Leite and the UpInside team. With them you perform routine tasks with fewer lines, writing less and doing much more.

CoffeeCode é um conjunto de pequenos e otimizados componentes PHP para tarefas comuns. Mantido por Robson V. Leite e a equipe UpInside. Com eles você executa tarefas rotineiras com poucas linhas, escrevendo menos e fazendo muito mais.


  • Easy to set up (Fácil de configurar)
  • Total CRUD asbtration (Asbtração total do CRUD)
  • Create safe models (Crie de modelos seguros)
  • Composer ready (Pronto para o composer)
  • PSR-2 compliant (Compatível com PSR-2)


Data Layer is available via Composer:

"coffeecode/datalayer": "2.0.*"

or run

composer require coffeecode/datalayer


For details on how to use the Data Layer, see the sample folder with details in the component directory

Para mais detalhes sobre como usar o Data Layer, veja a pasta de exemplo com detalhes no diretório do componente


To begin using the Data Layer, you need to connect to the database (MariaDB / MySql). For more connections PDO connections manual on PHP.net

Para começar a usar o Data Layer precisamos de uma conexão com o seu banco de dados. Para ver as conexões possíveis acesse o manual de conexões do PDO em PHP.net

    "driver" => "mysql",
    "host" => "localhost",
    "port" => "3306",
    "dbname" => "datalayer_example",
    "username" => "root",
    "passwd" => "",
    "options" => [

your model

The Data Layer is based on an MVC structure with the Layer Super Type and Active Record design patterns. Soon to consume it is necessary to create the model of your table and inherit the Data Layer.

O Data Layer é baseado em uma estrutura MVC com os padrões de projeto Layer Super Type e Active Record. Logo para consumir é necessário criar o modelo de sua tabela e herdar o Data Layer.


class User extends DataLayer
     * User constructor.
    public function __construct()
        //string "TABLE_NAME", array ["REQUIRED_FIELD_1", "REQUIRED_FIELD_2"], string "PRIMARY_KEY", bool "TIMESTAMPS"
        parent::__construct("users", ["first_name", "last_name"]);



use Example\Models\User;

$model = new User();

//find all users
$users = $model->find()->fetch(true);

//find all users limit 2
$users = $model->find()->limit(2)->fetch(true);

//find all users limit 2 offset 2
$users = $model->find()->limit(2)->offset(2)->fetch(true);

//find all users limit 2 offset 2 order by field ASC
$users = $model->find()->limit(2)->offset(2)->order("first_name ASC")->fetch(true);

//looping users
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->first_name;

//find one user by condition
$user = $model->find("first_name = :name", "name=Robson")->fetch();
echo $user->first_name;

//find one user by two conditions
$user = $model->find("first_name = :name AND last_name = :last", "name=Robson&last=Leite")->fetch();
echo $user->first_name . " " . $user->first_last;



use Example\Models\User;

$model = new User();
$user = $model->findById(2);
echo $user->first_name;

secure params

See example find_example.php and model classes

Consulte exemplo find_example.php e classes modelo


$params = http_build_query(["name" => "UpInside & Associated"]);
$company = (new Company())->find("name = :name", $params);
var_dump($company, $company->fetch());

join method

See example find_example.php and model classes

Consulte exemplo find_example.php e classes modelo


$addresses = new Address();
$address = $addresses->findById(22);
//get user data to this->user->[all data]



use Example\Models\User;

$model = new User();
$count = $model->find()->count();

save create


use Example\Models\User;

$user = new User();
$user->first_name = "Robson";
$user->last_name = "Leite";
$userId = $user->save();

save update


use Example\Models\User;

$user = (new User())->findById(2);
$user->first_name = "Robson";
$userId = $user->save();



use Example\Models\User;

$user = (new User())->findById(2);



use Example\Models\User;

$user = (new User())->findById(2);
    echo $user->fail()->getMessage();

custom data method


class User{

    public function fullName(): string 
        return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}";
    public function document(): string
        return "Restrict";

echo $this->full_name; //Robson V. Leite
echo $this->document; //Restrict


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email cursos@upinside.com.br instead of using the issue tracker.

Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para cursos@upinside.com.br em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas.

Thank you



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.