
Darkmode stylesheet for codeable experts view

Primary LanguageCSS

Codeable Dark Mode

This is a stylesheet code aiming to bring the dark mode to Codeable platform for the experts preview.

How to install

For Google Chrome browser: Download and install this extension, then copy all the lines inside style.css inside the extension. The dark mode will appear instantly!!.

You can also copy and paste the follow line for auto-updates:

 * Source Repo: https://github.com/Bbioon/codeable-darkmode-css
@import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Bbioon/codeable-darkmode-css/style.css';

You have to apply the dark-mode in you operating system settings to be able to activate this CSS. Otherwise, you can modify the first line of the CSS code to be able to use it without modifying your computer settings.

Feel free to use, copy, and modify. :)

Issue Reporting:

If you have found an issue and want to report it, feel free to insert a new issue and please add a screenshot and CSS selector for the item that needs to be fixed. Also I'm open to PRs.