
:wrench: Build static sites on nodejs. Run them on NGINX. Based upon Centos7.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Releases / Versions

Node.JS versions currently provided:

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8 (lts)
  • 9
  • 10 (latest)

We will no minor versions. If using this builder, you should always set major versions or lts/latest.


OpenShift allows you to quickly start a build using the web console, or the CLI.

With the oc command-line tool you can bundle a static project (based on NodeJS, for example Webpack) into a centos7 image running only NGINX.:

oc new-app jshmrtn/s2i-nodejs-nginx:RELEASE~REPO_URL



You can add your custom nginx.conf to the container. While assembling, the builder looks for a nginx.conf file in your projects .s2i/nginx/ directory. If there is a nginx.conf present at .s2i/nginx/nginx.conf, it will copy all contents of the .s2i/nginx/ directory and put it into the target images /opt/app-root/etc directory. There the custom nginx.conf file will be used.

if [[ -f .s2i/nginx/nginx.conf ]]; then
  echo "---> Installing custom NGINX configuration..."
  cp -Rf .s2i/nginx/. /opt/app-root/etc/
  echo "---> Installing stock NGINX configuration..."
  cp -Rf /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.default.conf /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.conf

nginx.conf includes

You can include files in your custom configuration. This is useful if you have many configuration files. If you provide the builder with a custom nginx.conf file in your projects .s2i/nginx/ directory, all other files inside .s2i/nginx/ will be copied along as well. So you could for example include a file with mime types in your custom nginx.conf. Add the file .s2i/nginx/mime.types to your project and include it like this:

include       /opt/app-root/etc/mime.types;

Basic Auth

The builder can add basic auth to the container for you. All you need to do is to set some environment variables. IMPORTANT: You need to set these on the build config!


The username used for basic auth.


The password used for basic auth.


The title used for basic auth.