
Sending data from a Toradex customized SBC to the Azure IoT Hub

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Sending data from a Toradex customized SBC to the Azure IoT Hub


This repository contains the necessary files to reproduce the steps described in a hackster.io project in which a Toradex Colibri VF61 CoM + Iris Carrier Board are used to integrate an ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04, an accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensor MPU-6050 and a GPS shield IKeyes V1.2.

The Toradex embedded system runs a Node.js application that sends telemetry data from the interfaced sensors to the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub.

Toradex is an Azure IoT Certified Partner from Microsoft. It is a company focused in providing systems on module (SoM) and single-board computer (SBC) solutions in which operating systems such as Linux and Windows CE can be run. Toradex also has an embedded system that runs the Windows 10 IoT Core.