
leonlib, the library I have at home

Primary LanguageHTML


These are the books I own in my personal library


The objective of this simple application is to expose a way to explore the inventory of books I own. I confess that I have bought the same book multiple times due to not knowing that I already have it.

Technical Details


  • Java
  • Bootstrap
  • H2
  • Docker
  • Shell (Bash)

How to run it

To run the application locally (when a redis server is running, :6379), use the run_app.dev.sh script. To run the application fully on Docker, use the run_app.sh script.

How it looks

Home Page

home page

Searching a book


Books per author

books per author

Book Information

books per author

All the books

all books

Add book

all books


There is a simple Auth mechanism used to like any book in my library.
