Manage Kubernetes using Alexa
Edit KubernetesAPIRequest.js:
- Add a valid Kubernetes User Token
- Add a valid Master/API Server IP or Hostname
Create a Alexa Developer Account:
- Create a "Custom" Skill
- Paste the Alexa-Interaction-Model.json in the JSON Editor Section
To Run:
- Prepare a Cloud Virtual Machine instance with NodeJS and Express installed
- Create a temporary domain name from NO-IP Services and associate the domain with the public IP of the instance
- Provide the temporary domain name as the endpoint in Alexa Developer Console
- You need to create openssl based certs. You need to use the temporary domain name when creating the cert. Refer to Alexa Documentation.
- These certificates need to be placed in ../alexacert/ folder. Ensure you refer to kubernetes-explorer.js for the correct location and filenames to be used.
- To start the service, run Command: node kubernetes-explorer.js
Few words of caution:
- Not recommended for production use in its current state.
- You need to ensure that the Alexa user has only the minimum permissions necessary to perform the tasks.