
Karabiner-Elements bindings to adjust the Mac OS key layout into regular QWERTZ.

PC/QWERTZ Bindings for Karabiner-Elements


These are my personally preferred keybindings on Mac OS, for use with Karabiner-Elements.

I am used to a regular (if German) keyboard layout, with Control, Alt and Alt Graph keys.
Since this is the layout that every non-Apple OS uses, I like my muscle memory just the way it is.

I'm sure there's a lot still missing, things that I haven't noticed in my usual workflow.
Please feel very free to open an Issue or a Pull Request if you come across any inconsistencies.

How To Use

Karabiner's configuration files are located in ~/.config/karabiner
Add the files from this Repository. Now you can enable these modifications in Karabiner-Elements.
Go to the "Complex modifications" tab, then click the "Add rule" Button.

These keybindings rely on the following Mac-side settings:

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys...

  2. Switch the Control (^) and Command (⌘) keys

  3. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts

  4. Add entry: [All Applications] / "Redo" / Command-Y

If you run into trouble with the ^ and < keys:

There are long-known and long-ignored bugs with Mac and Karabiner relating to these keys.
Specifically, external non-apple keyboards may end up swapping the key below Esc with the key to the right of Left Shift.

I have included the following Karabiner rules to help with this issue:

  • "PC-Style German Alt Gr (pipe - compatible with switched < and ^ keys)" (keep ABOVE the next two rules)
  • "Change Caret to Less Than"
  • "Change Less Than to Caret"

Karabiner allows for manual re-ordering of rules - make sure these are in the correct order.
If the first of these three is BELOW the other two, trying to type a pipe '|' character will instead give you a less-than-or-equal '≤' character.