Pageviews LogParser


ruby main.rb webserver.log
ruby main.rb path/to/logfile.log

Implementation/Design choices:

  • Different components are dependency-injected using constructors
  • FileReader expects a block to read the file line by line, allowing to stream from the file
  • LineParser will ignore invalid lines, or lines containing invalid ipv4 or ipv6 address
  • PageviewsAggregator uses Sets to keep track of unique IPs per path
  • Service returns a response object to be passed to the ConsolePresenter for rendering
  • Application encapsulates CLI app logic and calls service

Possible improvements

  • Turn into a gem by potentially wrapping Application under the LogParser module
  • Provide advanced CLI options/commands to specify which counters to see

Design schema

 +--------------------+   +--------------------+  +---------------------+
 |                    |   |                    |  |                     |
 |     FileReader     |   |     LineParser     |  | PageviewsAggregator |
 |                    |   |                    |  |
 +--------------------+   +--------------------+  +---------------------+
           ^                        ^                        ^
           |                        |                        |
           |                        |                        |
           |                        |                        |
           |                        |                        |
           |                        |                        |
           |                        +                        |
           |              +--------------------+             |  +-------------------+
           |              |                    |             |  |                   |
           |              |       Service      |             |  |  ConsolePresenter |
           +--------------+                    +-------------+  |                   |
                          +--------------------+                +-------------------+
                                    ^                                    +
                                    |                                    |
                                    |                                    |
                                    |                                    |
                                    |                                    |
                                    |                                    |
                          +---------+---------+                          |
                          |                   |                          |
                          |    Application    +--------------------------+
                          |                   |