
neue fische exercise using React.js and mongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A React and MongoDB exercise for neuefische students


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Start your MongoDB! mongod
  4. In a separate window run npm start


  • Solve the following exercises in order
  • Concentrate on JS, not on CSS
  • Write clean code

Get an overview

  • the folder src (and public) contains the frontend code, the rest is backend
  • Get to know the Card model
  • Get to know the App.js

Backend: add a post method

  • Add a post method so you can add new Cards to the DB
  • Add a few cards with title with POSTMAN

Frontend: cleanup

  • Extract the fetch method to seperate file called services.js
  • Create a component Card that renders a card (it only has a title right now)
  • Add a component CardList that renders all cards
  • Your App should now just render CardList which renders multiple Cards

Backend: enhance model

  • Add a description and tags (an Array of Strings) to the Card model
  • Delete all existing Cards from the DB
  • Add a new Card via POSTMAN that contains everything from the cardSchema

Frontend: update Card

  • Add description and tags to your Card
  • To show the tags, create a Tag component

Frontend: Form

  • Create a Form component to create new Cards
  • Make sure to create an Array of Strings from the tag String
  • Add that Form above the CardList
  • Add a function postCard to services
  • Use postCard in the Form and update the state when the server responds with a new card

Frontend: LocalStorage

  • Save all cards in localStorage
  • Load all cards from localStorage when you initialize the state
  • Update the localStorage, whenever you add a new Card

Backend: enhance model and add PATCH

  • Add a boolean property bookmarked to your cardSchema with a default value of false
  • Add a patch method to your server in order to be able to update a card

Frontend: Update Card (Advanced)

  • Add a text to each card that says bookmark or bookmarked depending on the card data
  • Add a new method patchCard to services
  • Use that on click on bookmark to toggle the bookmark-state on the server
  • When the server responds, update the card in your state