
Movies and TV Shows application with authentication and end-2-end tests. (Cypress)

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Popflix is a movie and TV shows website, where one may find information about movies, shows, its cast, crew, reviews, production companies, seasons, episodes and more.

Popflix has Dark and light theme, and Portuguese and English translation options.

Access Popflix via Vercel: https://popflix-app.vercel.app/

Tecnologies used in this project:

  • ReactJS, Typescript
  • Cypress for end-2-end tests
  • React Redux Toolkit and Redux Persist
  • i18Next for translations
  • JSON Server for Login and Sign Up
  • Formik and Yup
  • Axios and React Query
  • Styled Components with light and dark mode
  • React Router


While the version accessible through Vercel (main branch) does not have a Sign Up and Login system, the develop branch accessible through cloning the project has authorized routes and functional Login and Sign Up, with a profile page. This is the case because the JSON Server is not deployed on Vercel.

Clone the project:

git clone git@github.com:leojuriolli7/popflix.git

Go to the project directory:

cd popflix

Install the project dependencies:

npm install


First, start JSON Server:

npm run json-server

Start the application:

npm start


To run all the tests:

npx cypress run

To run the tests on the browser:

npx cypress open

You can run a single test by clicking on the test name or click "Run integration specs" to run all the tests.