
A curated list of articles and codes related to face forgery generation and detection.

Awesome Face Forgery Generation and Detection Awesome

A curated list of articles and codes related to face forgery generation and detection.


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Table of Contents

Target-specific Face Forgery

Face Swap

  • deepfakes/faceswap (Github) [Code]
  • iperov/DeepFaceLab (Github) [Paper] [Code]
  • Fast face-swap using convolutional neural networks (2017 ICCV) [Paper]
  • On face segmentation, face swapping, and face perception (2018 FG) [Paper] [Code]
  • RSGAN: face swapping and editing using face and hair representation in latent spaces (2018 arXiv) [Paper]
  • FSNet: An identity-aware generative model for image-based face swapping (2018 ACCV) [Paper]
  • Towards open-set identity preserving face synthesis (2018 CVPR) [Paper]
  • FSGAN: Subject Agnostic Face Swapping and Reenactment (2019 ICCV) [Paper]
  • Deepfakes for Medical Video De-Identification: Privacy Protection and Diagnostic Information Preservation (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Advancing High Fidelity Identity Swapping for Forgery Detection (2020 CVPR) [Paper] [arXiv version]

Face Manipulation

Attribute Manipulation

  • Learning residual images for face attribute manipulation (2017 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Fader networks: Manipulating images by sliding attributes (2017 NIPS) [Paper] [Code]
  • StarGAN: Unified generative adversarial networks for multi-domain image-to-image translation (2018 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Facelet-Bank for Fast Portrait Manipulation (2018 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Glow: Generative flow with invertible 1x1 convolutions (2018 NIPS) [Paper] [Code]
  • Mask-aware Photorealistic Face Attribute Manipulation (2018 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Sparsely Grouped Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Networks for Facial Attribute Manipulation (2018 ACMMM) [Paper] [Code]
  • AttGAN: Facial attribute editing by only changing what you want (2019 TIP) [Paper] [Code]
  • STGAN: A unified selective transfer network for arbitrary image attribute editing (2019 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Semantic component decomposition for face attribute manipulation (2019 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Make a Face: Towards Arbitrary High Fidelity Face Manipulation (2019 ICCV) [Paper]
  • Towards Automatic Face-to-Face Translation (2019 ACMMM) [Paper]
  • MulGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Exemplar (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • MaskGAN: Towards Diverse and Interactive Facial Image Manipulation (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • PuppetGAN: Cross-Domain Image Manipulation by Demonstration (2019 ICCV) [Paper]
  • StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains (2020 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Fine-Grained Expression Manipulation via Structured Latent Space (202004 arXiv) [Paper]

Expression Reenactment

  • Real-time expression transfer for facial reenactment (2015 TOG) [Paper]
  • Face2face: Real-time face capture and reenactment of RGB videos (2016 CVPR) [Paper]
  • ReenactGAN: Learning to reenact faces via boundary transfer (2018 ECCV) [Paper] [Code]
  • HeadOn: Real-time Reenactment of Human Portrait Videos (2018 TOG) [Paper]
  • Deep video portraits (2018 TOG) [Paper]
  • ExprGAN: Facial expression editing with controllable expression intensity (2018 AAAI) [Paper] [Code]
  • Geometry guided adversarial facial expression synthesis (2018 ACMMM) [Paper]
  • GANimation: Anatomically-aware facial animation from a single image (2018 ECCV) [Paper] [Code]
  • Generating Photorealistic Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions (2018 BMVC) [Paper]
  • Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere with Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • 3D guided fine-grained face manipulation (2019 CVPR) [Paper]
  • Few-shot adversarial learning of realistic neural talking head models (2019 ICCV) [Paper] [Code1] [Code2] [Code3]
  • Deferred Neural Rendering: Image Synthesis using Neural Textures (2019 TOG) [Paper] [Code]
  • MarioNETte: Few-shot Face Reenactment Preserving Identity of Unseen Targets (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Unconstrained Facial Expression Transfer using Style-based Generator (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • ICface: Interpretable and Controllable Face Reenactment Using GANs (2020 WACV) [Paper] [Code]
  • Realistic Face Reenactment via Self-Supervised Disentangling of Identity and Pose (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • APB2Face: Audio-guided face reenactment with auxiliary pose and blink signals (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • One-Shot Identity-Preserving Portrait Reenactment (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • FReeNet: Multi-Identity Face Reenactment (2020 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Learning Identity-Invariant Motion Representations for Cross-ID Face Reenactment (2020 CVPR) [Paper]
  • FaR-GAN for One-Shot Face Reenactment (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • ReenactNet: Real-time Full Head Reenactment (202006 arXiv) [Paper]

Cross-modality Manipulation

  • Synthesizing Obama: learning lip sync from audio (2017 TOG) [Paper] [Code]
  • Face synthesis from visual attributes via sketch using conditional VAEsand GANs (2017 arXiv) [Paper]
  • GP-GAN: Gender Preserving GAN for Synthesizing Faces from Landmarks (2018 ICPR) [Paper]
  • Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice (2019 CVPR) [Paper]
  • Face Reconstruction from Voice using Generative Adversarial Networks (2019 NIPS) [Paper]
  • Neural Voice Puppetry: Audio-driven Facial Reenactment (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Realistic Speech-Driven Facial Animation with GANs (2019 IJCV) [Paper]
  • You said that?: Synthesising talking faces from audio (2019 IJCV) [Paper]
  • Text-based editing of talking-head video (2019 TOG) [Paper]
  • FTGAN: A Fully-trained Generative Adversarial Networks for Text to Face Generation (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Everybody’s Talkin’: Let Me Talk as You Want (202001 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Identity-Preserving Realistic Talking Face Generation (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Talking-head Generation with Rhythmic Head Motion (2020 ECCV) [Paper] [Code]

Target-generic Face Forgery (Representative)

  • Generative Adversarial Nets (2014 NIPS) [Paper] [Code]
  • Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (2016 ICLR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Progressive growing of GANs for improved quality, stability, and variation (2018 ICLR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Spectral normalization for generative adversarial networks (2018 ICLR) [Paper] [Code] [Code]
  • Self-attention generative adversarial networks (2018 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks (2019 CVPR) [Paper] [Code]
  • Large Scale GAN Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis (2019 ICLR) [Paper] [Code1] [Code2]
  • Analyzing and improving the image quality of StyleGAN (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Code1] [Code2]
  • One-Shot Domain Adaptation For Face Generation (202003 arXiv) [Paper]

Face Forgery Detection

Spatial Clue for Detection

  • Automated face swapping and its detection (2017 ICSIP) [Paper]
  • Two-stream neural networks for tampered face detection (2017 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • Can Forensic Detectors Identify GAN Generated Images? (2018 APSIPA) [Paper]
  • Deepfakes: a new threat to face recognition? assessment and detection (2018 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Detection of Deep Network Generated Images Using Disparities in Color Components (2018 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Fake Faces Identification via Convolutional Neural Network (2018 IH&MMSec) [Paper]
  • Learning to detect fake face images in the wild (2018 IS3C) [Paper] [Code]
  • Detecting Both Machine and Human Created Fake Face Images In the Wild (2018 MPS) [Paper]
  • Detection of Deepfake Video Manipulation (2018 IMVIP) [Paper]
  • Secure detection of image manipulation by means of random feature selection (2019 TIFS) [Paper]
  • Exploiting Human Social Cognition for the Detection of Fake and Fraudulent Faces via Memory Networks (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Swapped Face Detection using Deep Learning and Subjective Assessment (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Detection of Fake Images Via The Ensemble of Deep Representations from Multi Color Spaces (2019 ICIP) [Paper]
  • Detection GAN-Generated Imagery Using Saturation Cues (2019 ICIP) [Paper]
  • Detecting GAN generated fake images using co-occurrence matrices (2019 Electronic Imaging) [Paper]
  • Exposing DeepFake Videos By Detecting Face Warping Artifacts (2019 CVPRW) [Paper] [Code]
  • Exposing GAN-synthesized Faces Using Landmark Locations (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Exploiting Visual Artifacts to Expose Deepfakes and Face Manipulations (2019 WACVW) [Paper] [Code]
  • Detecting and Simulating Artifacts in GAN Fake Images (2019 WIFS) [Paper] [Code]
  • On the detection of digital face manipulation (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • On the generalization of GAN image forensics (2019 CCBR) [Paper]
  • Unmasking DeepFakes with simple Features (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Face image manipulation detection based on a convolutional neural network (2019 ESWA) [Paper]
  • Do GANs leave artificial fingerprints? (2019 MIPR) [Paper]
  • Attributing fake images to GANs: Learning and analyzing GAN fingerprints (2019 ICCV) [Paper] [Code]
  • Multi-task learning for detecting and segmenting manipulated facial images and videos (2019 BTAS) [Paper] [Code]
  • Poster: Towards Robust Open-World Detection of Deepfakes (2019 CCS) [Paper]
  • Extracting deep local features to detect manipulated images of human faces (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Zooming into Face Forensics: A Pixel-level Analysis (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Fakespotter: A simple baseline for spotting ai-synthesized fake faces (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Capsule-forensics: Using capsule networks to detect forged images and videos (2019 ICASSP) [Paper] [Code]
  • Use of a Capsule Network to Detect Fake Images and Videos (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Deep Fake Image Detection based on Pairwise Learning (2020 Applied Science) [Paper]
  • Detecting Face2Face Facial Reenactment in Videos (2020 WACV) [Paper]
  • FakeLocator: Robust Localization of GAN-Based Face Manipulations via Semantic Segmentation Networks with Bells and Whistles (2020 arXiv) [Paper]
  • FDFtNet: Facing Off Fake Images using Fake Detection Fine-tuning Network (2020 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Global Texture Enhancement for Fake Face Detection in the Wild (2020 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Detecting Deepfakes with Metric Learning (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Fake Generated Painting Detection via Frequency Analysis (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Leveraging Frequency Analysis for Deep Fake Image Recognition (202003 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • DeepFake Detection by Analyzing Convolutional Traces (2020 CVPRW) [Paper] [Website]
  • DeepFakes Evolution: Analysis of Facial Regions and Fake Detection Performance (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • On the use of Benford's law to detect GAN-generated images (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Video Face Manipulation Detection Through Ensemble of CNNs (202004 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Detecting Forged Facial Videos using convolutional neural network (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Fake Face Detection via Adaptive Residuals Extraction Network (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Manipulated Face Detector: Joint Spatial and Frequency Domain Attention Network (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • A Face Preprocessing Approach for Improved DeepFake Detection (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • A Note on Deepfake Detection with Low-Resources (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Thinking in Frequency: Face Forgery Detection by Mining Frequency-aware Clues (2020 ECCV) [Paper]
  • CNN Detection of GAN-Generated Face Images based on Cross-Band Co-occurrences Analysis (2020 WIFS) [Paper]
  • Detection, Attribution and Localization of GAN Generated Images (202007 arXiv) [Paper]

Temporal Clue for Detection

  • Mesonet: a compact facial video forgery detection network (2018 WIFS) [Paper] [Code]
  • In Ictu Oculi: Exposing AI created fake videos by detecting eye blinking (2018 WIFS) [Paper] [Code]
  • Deepfake Video Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks (2018 AVSS) [Paper]
  • Exposing deep fakes using inconsistent head poses (2019 ICASSP) [Paper]
  • Protecting world leaders against deep fakes (2019 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • FakeCatcher: Detection of Synthetic Portrait Videos using Biological Signals (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Recurrent Convolutional Strategies for Face Manipulation Detection in Videos (2019 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • Predicting Heart Rate Variations of Deepfake Videos using Neural ODE (2019 ICCVW) [Paper]
  • Deepfake Video Detection through Optical Flow based CNN (2019 ICCVW) [Paper]
  • Emotions Don't Lie: A Deepfake Detection Method using Audio-Visual Affective Cues (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Deep Face Forgery Detection (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Deepfakes Detection with Automatic Face Weighting (2020 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • Detecting Deep-Fake Videos from Appearance and Behavior (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Detecting Deep-Fake Videos from Phoneme-Viseme Mismatches (2020 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • Towards Untrusted Social Video Verification to Combat Deepfakes via Face Geometry Consistency (2020 CVPRW) [Paper] [Code]
  • Not made for each other– Audio-Visual Dissonance-based Deepfake Detection and Localization (202005 arXiv) [Paper]
  • DeepRhythm: Exposing DeepFakes with Attentional Visual Heartbeat Rhythms (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Deepfake Detection using Spatiotemporal Convolutional Networks (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Interpretable Deepfake Detection via Dynamic Prototypes (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Dynamic texture analysis for detecting fake faces in video sequences (202007 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Detecting Deepfake Videos: An Analysis of Three Techniques (202007 arXiv) [Paper]

Generalizable Forgery Detection

  • ForensicTransfer: Weakly-supervised domain adaptation for forgery detection (2018 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Towards generalizable forgery detection with locality-aware autoencoder (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Incremental learning for the detection and classification of GAN-generated images (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • CNN-generated images are surprisingly easy to spot... for now (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Face X-ray for More General Face Forgery Detection (2020 CVPR) [Paper]
  • Detecting CNN-Generated Facial Images in Real-World Scenarios (2020 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • OC-FakeDect: Classifying Deepfakes Using One-class Variational Autoencoder (2020 CVPRW) [Paper]

Spoofing Forgery Detection

  • Security of Facial Forensics Models Against Adversarial Attacks (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Real or Fake? Spoofing State-Of-The-Art Face Synthesis Detection Systems (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Adversarial Perturbations Fool Deepfake Detectors (2020 IJCNN) [Paper] [Code]
  • Disrupting DeepFakes: Adversarial Attacks Against Conditional Image Translation Networks and Facial Manipulation Systems (202003 arXiv) [Paper] [Code]
  • Evading Deepfake-Image Detectors with White- and Black-Box Attacks (202004 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Defending against GAN-based Deepfake Attacks via Transformation-aware Adversarial Faces (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Disrupting Deepfakes with an Adversarial Attack that Survives Training (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • FakePolisher: Making DeepFakes More Detection-Evasive by Shallow Reconstruction (202006 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Protecting Against Image Translation Deepfakes by Leaking Universal Perturbations from Black-Box Neural Networks (202006 arXiv) [Paper]


  • Detecting Video Speed Manipulation (2020 CVPRW) [Paper]
  • The eyes know it: FakeET- An Eye-tracking Database to Understand Deepfake Perception (202006 arXiv) [Paper]


  • [FFW] Fake Face Detection Methods: Can They Be Generalized? (2018 BIOSIG) [Paper] [Download]
  • [UADFV] In Ictu Oculi: Exposing AI created fake videos by detecting eye blinking (2018 WIFS) [Paper] [Download]
  • [DeepfakeTIMIT] Deepfakes: a new threat to face recognition? assessment and detection (2018 arXiv) [Paper] [Download]
  • [FaceForensics++ & DFD] FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images (2019 ICCV) [Paper] [Download]
  • [Celeb-DF] Celeb-DF: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for DeepFake Forensics (2020 CVPR) [Paper] [Download]
  • [DFFD (Diverse Fake Face Dataset)] On the detection of digital face manipulation (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • [DFDC (Deepfake Detection Challenge)] The Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Preview Dataset (2019 arXiv) [Paper] [Download]
  • [DeeperForensics-1.0] DeeperForensics-1.0: A Large-Scale Dataset for Real-World Face Forgery Detection (2020 arXiv) [Paper] [Download]


  • Deep Learning for Deepfakes Creation and Detection (2019 arXiv) [Paper]
  • DeepFakes and Beyond: A Survey of Face Manipulation and Fake Detection (2020 arXiv) [Paper]
  • Media Forensics and DeepFakes: an Overview (2020 arXiv) [Paper]
  • DeepFake Detection: Current Challenges and Next Steps (202003 arXiv) [Paper]
  • The Creation and Detection of Deepfakes: A Survey (202004 arXiv) [Paper]

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