
A simple RESTful Django API serving IP geodata

Primary LanguagePython

API for geonodes-map.info


  1. clone the repo
  2. create IPHeatmap/settings_local.py using the template provided
  3. create a virtual environment for python > 3.5
    • instructions can be found here
  4. activate the environment and install required packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Get your database in the right shape with python manage.py migrate
  6. Add necessary data from "GeoLite2 City CSV 2019" (not included here)
    • specifically, City Blocks IPv4
  7. Run clean_data_and_load.sh to do exactly what it says


  1. Activate your venv: source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run the script daemonize_gunicorn.sh
    • If something goes wrong, be sure to kill all runaway processes (pgrep/pkill are your friends)
  3. Make changes as you like
  4. Restart the gunicorn process with restart-supervisor.sh


I couldn't have made this without the wonderful folks at Django, and the great Django Rest Framework/Filters packages. Additionally, Dask is great and I'd highly recommend it for your data cleaning.