
SMMnet: A Temporal Dataset from Super Mario Maker

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

📄 SMMnet: A Social Networks of Games Dataset

In this repository, we present the first vast and open access Social Networks of Games dataset, called Super Mario Maker Network Dataset (or simply SMMnet), which provides information about 115 thousand game maps and 880 thousand players which performed 7 million of different types of interaction on the maps.

This dataset serves as a good base for learning models, including, but not limited to, Player Modeling (e.g., player experience), Data Mining (e.g., prediction, and find patterns), and Social Network Analysis (e.g., community detection, link prediction).

Paper: Leonardo Mauro Pereira Moraes, and Robson Leonardo Ferreira Cordeiro. SMMnet: A Social Network of Games Dataset. In Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD) - Dataset Showcase Workshop (DSW), Ceara, Brazil, 2019.

This dataset is public and available on Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/leomauro/smmnet)


Some jupyter notebooks exploring the dataset:


    author       = {Leonardo Mauro Pereira Moraes and Robson Leonardo Ferreira Cordeiro},
    title        = {SMMnet: A Social Network of Games Dataset},
    booktitle    = {Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD) 2019 - Dataset Showcase Workshop (DSW)},
    days         = {7-10},
    month        = {oct},
    year         = {2019},
    organization = {Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)},
    address      = {Cear\'a, Brazil},
    url          = {https://www.kaggle.com/leomauro/smmnet}


SMMNet is available for researchers and data scientists under the Creative Commons BY license. In case of publication and/or public use, as well as any dataset derived from it, one should acknowledge its creators by citing us.

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