
A Book Product Management Application.

Primary LanguageRuby

CPG - Books

Maintainability Test Coverage


You will write a brief application to handle data entry and reporting for book products. Write as lean an implementation as possible that covers the requirements defined below.

Please use Rails 5.1 or 5.2 and whichever gems you feel are appropriate. The CSS framework must be Foundation.

The site does not have to be aesthetically advanced, but your code should be. We are looking for elegant solutions to the problems introduced, and code that conforms to best practices and standards guidelines. Use any appropriate gems that aid code quality.

Use Rspec and Capybara for testing. Please aim to have greater than 50% code coverage.

Data Model

The following information needs to be stored about books, formats and authors. You are free to determine the most appropriate method of modeling data. Please seed formats with 3 entries and authors with 5 entries.

  • Books
    • Title
    • Release date
    • Base price
  • Formats
    • Name
  • Authors
    • First Name
    • Last Name

Table associations

  • A book has exactly 1 format

  • A book has 1 or more authors

  • A format may be used by many books

  • Authors may write many books

Business Rules

  • A book must have a title and release date. If the release date is within 2 months it must have a base price.

  • Author names are unique.

  • Formats are unique and must be one of hardcover, softcover, or digital.


Create a page that lists all books and their titles. The title should link to a book product detail page. There should be a link to create a new book. There should be a link to the report page.

Create a page that shows book product details. All fields relevant to a book should be displayed. There should be a link to return to the book list page and a link to edit the current book. The author names should be concatenated into a single field.

Create a page where all details for a book may be created or edited, along with choosing an existing format and one or more existing authors. You should determine the most appropriate method of organizing the UI.

Create a report page which lists all hardcover books released in 2018. Include title and release date fields, and to the book product detail page.

JSON Access

In addition to to html, provide JSON responses to Books index, Books create and books show.

The following fields should be returned:

  • BooksController#index
    • Id
    • Title (concatenate to 20 characters max, drop ‘The”, or “A” if it is the first word of a title)
    • Release date (format YYYY)
    • Base price
    • Author Name (concatenate first and last name with a space between)
  • BooksController#show
    • Id
    • Title
    • Release date (format MM-DD-YYYY)
    • Base price
    • Currency name
    • Author First Name
    • Author Last Name
    • Format Name
  • BooksController#create
    • Allow the following fields to be set through a json post:
      • Id
      • Title
      • Release date
      • Base price
      • Author_id

Turn on a protect_from_forgery filter for html posts, but leave it off for json posts.


  1. For JSON calls, you can test running the HTTP requests in ./docs/api/books-api.http.
  2. Run rails test for code coverage and see the report in ./coverage/index.html.
