
Jupyter examples with python, Bash, R and Scala kernels

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Jupyter examples with python, Bash, R and Scala kernels


This project is dedicated to be the materials for a private introduction training on installing Jupyter kernels and working with

These materials are public as they don't have any internal information.

The actual presentation is not made public as it may contain sensitive information. Might be curated later made available but don't count on it.


Important: jupyter is the command name that replaced ipython command. If you are using an older version it might still be called ipython

The document Contains some notes that I made during the process of installing the with more detailed instructions on what I did what worked and what didn't.

Notebooks *.ipynb

This folder contain the notebooks that will be used during the presentation.

Cassandra example data

For the Spark + Cassandra example, I've used the following keyspace, table and data creation:

CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
CREATE TABLE test.kv(key text PRIMARY KEY, value int);
--Then insert some example data:

INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key1', 1);
INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key2', 2);
INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key3', 3);
INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key4', 4);
INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key5', 5);
INSERT INTO test.kv(key, value) VALUES ('key6', 2);