
A CPU/GPU Accelerated Multi-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics Code

Primary LanguageFortran

! CUMC3D - A parallel, multiphysics, multipurpose, Newtonian/GR MHD code

Developer: Ho Sang (Leon) Chan
Credit: Ka-Wing Wong, Shing-Chi Leung, Zha Shuai
Version: 1.65


  CUMC3D is a parallel code for high-energy astrophysical simulations
  The current version is 1.65, which includes basic MHD solvers and models 
  for simulating accretion discs around supermassive black holes and collapsars

Version Status:

  HLLD, HLLC, HLLE, LF Riemann solvers are all available
  TVD reconsturctions and PPM reconstructions are all available
  Full-3D simulations can now be performed
  Cylindrical coordinates changed to right-handed description (r, phi, z)
  Updated folder structures for data-anaylsis packages 
  GPU acceleration is now available
  In 1.48, I change to staggered definition of magnetic fields

Analysis Package:

  To plot figures, cd into the folder analysis, and run the python script analysis.py
  Enter the simulation dimension (1D/2D/3D), the coordinate systems (Cartesian/Cylindrical/Spherical)
  To generate movies, run the python script animation.py and enter the simulation dimension (1D/2D/3D)

Future Updates:

  Volume rendering of 3D simulations
  Advanced Leakage Scheme for neutrino transport