
OCaml implementations of Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes for Fun and Profit. (Distributed System Project Course)

Primary LanguageOCaml


OCaml implementations of Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes for Fun and Profit. (Distributed System Project Course)

Table of Contents



0. Welcome

Welcome to the repository. Here you will find several CRDTs implemented using a Pure Operation Based framework implementation inspired by the paper Pure Operation-Based Replicated Data Types by Carlos Baquero, Paulo Sérgio Almeida and Ali Shoker. It builds on aneris-lang with the goal of turning the OCaml sources into Coq for formal provability. To implement the CRDTs a framework was created in accordance with the aforementioned paper that the CRDTs in turn use. Many of the implemented CRDTs come from the paper, but there are also CRDT implementations that are inspired by other sources. Noteworthy among these is the collaborative text editing systems that allow several users to insert characters into a shared text system, including editing different parts of the document at once. Some CRDTs in this repository presently do not use the Pure Operation Based Framework and are instead built directly on Reliable Causal Broadcast with no extra layer. This includes dynamo, gset and counter, illustrating how a CRDT may look when not using the framework, and serving as a comparison point against the CRDTs using the framework that are abstracted away from the details of message broadcasting, locks and concurrency handling.

1. Structure of the repo

The two main folder of the repository are ml_sources/ and /Users/apollo/repositories/aneris/crdts/vendor/aneris/ml_sources/aneris_lang.

  • ml_sources/: This folder contains the reliable causal broadcast implementation rcb/ and the CRDTs rcb/crdt/.... Inside it one also finds the generalised pure_op_based_framework code that the CRDTs build upon rcb/crdt/pure_op_based_framework

  • .../ml_sources/aneris_lang/: This folder contains the libraries that are used for implementation of examples:

    • ast.ml file contains core network utilities (sockets, receive/send, etc), manipulation of locks and strings.
    • lib/ contains library files for manipulation of basic data structures such as lists, maps, and serialization of messages.

2. Setting up a new example.

To set a new example, create a folder mkdir .../rcb/crdt/<new_folder_name>. Add file touch .../rcb/crdt/<new_folder_name>/<new_example_code.ml> for the implementation of the example and add file touch .../rcb/crdt/<new_folder_name>/<new_example_runner.ml> to run it. Of course you can add more files, and organize example differently.

3. Compilation and testing.

To compile your code, run dune build at the root of the repository. To run your code, run dune exec ./executable_runner.exe <arguments of executable> for the folder where executable_runner.ml exists.

Example: .../ml_sources/rcb/crdt/counter dune exec ./counter_runner.exe 0 1035 1023 1034

You can also write a script like .../ml_sources/rcb/crdt/counter/run.sh which will launch all needed terminals automatically. The run scripts in the repo right now are adapted to the paths used for testing during development, and are not relative to CWD. The run scripts also use AppleScript for Terminal manipulation but the idea of the run script may easily be adapted to relevant platform of choice. There exists run scripts already in many of the folders and these may be adapted by the user to speed up executing the CRDTs - If AppleScript is available, only modifying the EXE path's beginning to point to the correct location for the repository is required.

In addition to the regular CRDT executables, a small testing executable exists in the collaborative text editing directory with a small set of tests that were used in debugging the infinite text editor. This same pattern can be used to test other parts of the repository.

4. Translation to AnerisLang (Coq) using o2a compiler. (Optional)

It is not required, but you might wish to see whether your OCaml sources compile to AnerisLang programs (if they do, then we will be able in the future to use your OCaml sources directly to prove the corresponding examples in Coq).

To automatically generate AnerisLang programs from Ocaml source files, pin the ocaml2lang package:

opam pin git+https://github.com/leon-gondelman/ocaml2lang

This will produce an executable o2a. After installation succeeds, you can try o2a by doing

o2a --h

And run o2a --rewrite at the root of the folder. If you wish to include your examples in the translation process, then modify the _OCamlProject file by adding a new line in the ML_SOURCES: section, e.g.


The generated Coq file will be in the folder
