
A standalone API service for Studio Ghibli Films with a separate MVC CRUD Client, built using .Net Core

Primary LanguageC#

.Net Core Studio Ghibli API + MVC Client


Inspired by the wonderful work at https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/ by https://github.com/janaipakos/

I am teaching myself how to build a similar API using .Net Core using the tutorial here : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-web-api?view=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=visual-studio

High Level Plan

  • Create a CRUD API that uses EntityFrameworkCore to access an SQLite database to store it's data
  • Create an MVC frontend client providing a simple UI to navigate the API in Read Only mode
  • Add user authentication to the MVC application which allows authorised users to use the full CRUD capabilities of the API
  • Use Specflow to create Unit Tests and Integration Tests for both the API and MVC client