
Pythonocc nodes for Ryven

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pythonocc nodes package for Ryven.

Here a way to work on Pythonocc with a node editor, Ryven in that case. To get it functional you will have to execute Ryven in an environment where pythonocc is installed.



  1. Ryven: https://github.com/leon-thomm/Ryven
  2. Anaconda: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/index.html
  3. pythonocc-core: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pythonocc-core
  4. pythonocc-utils: https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc-utils

Easy install solution for beginners : Tanneguydv#13 (comment)


You just have to import the nodes.py file in Ryven.


Here a small example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUNYstrfvmg

exemple_tutogithub exemple_tutogithub_1

You can load this project from demo_example.json

another example: torus_example

Other example : Convert your points to gcode torus_gcode see torus_gcode.json file

It's just a beginning to explore the possibilities given by matching the two, I've just coded simple functions to see how it works and how it should be to perform complex operations.

Contribute !

The nodes are of course open for contribution, as there are thousands of functions in OpenCascade and thousands of ways to develop properly the nodes!

The functions currently implemented are:

Gp_nodes = Pnt_Node, DeconstructPnt_Node, PointZero_Node,Dir_Node, Vec_Node, DX_Node, DY_Node, DZ_Node,Ax2_Node, Pln_Node, Trsf_Node, Move2pts_Node, MidPoint_Node,

BRepBuilderAPI_nodes = TwoPtsEdge_Node, Wire_Node, WireFillet2d_Node, DiscretizeWire_Node, Get_dir_from_edge_Node

BRepOffsetAPI_nodes = Pipe_Node,

BRepPrimAPI_nodes = Box_Node, Sphere_Node, Cylinder_Node,

BRepAlgoAPI_nodes = Fuse_Node, Common_Node, Cut_Node,

BRepFilletAPI_nodes = fillet_Node,

GeomAPI_nodes = PointsSurface_Node,

TopExplorer_nodes = TopExplorer_Node,

Display_nodes = display_Node, Color_Node,

Tools_nodes = List_Node, ListLength_Node, FlattenList_Node, ListItem_Node, RepeatData_Node, Serie_Node, ShiftList_Node,

DataExchange_nodes = ExportStep_Node, ImportStep_Node, ExportStl_Node, ImportStl_Node, ExportGcode_Node

Each "nodes" family is a class with a color attributed. Node names are correspond to the functions from Pythonocc.

To add a function from Pythonocc you have to generate a code as shown in add_function_box_example.py.