- 0
Need support for "play-json"
#61 opened by hellowin - 9
Error on Play 2.4
#65 opened by kormoglaz - 1
Could not find a suitable constructor in se.radley.plugin.salat.SalatPlugin. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
#66 opened by panshin - 1
- 0
Using deprecated authenticate method
#63 opened by bayarmunkh - 0
This plugin doesn't work with play 2.3
#62 opened by mrkaspa - 2
- 5
Using play-salat with scala 2.11.1
#58 opened by badeball - 4
Update to Salat 1.9.5
#55 opened by rktoomey - 0
Convert to MongoClient instead of MongoConnection
#51 opened by leon - 6
- 4
- 6
Update salat dependency to 1.9.3
#50 opened by rktoomey - 1
Create Snapshot version
#49 opened by alangalvino - 2
- 3
Does 1.2-SNAPSHOT support Play 2.1?
#45 opened by anfuerer - 5
new release without snapshot dependencies
#47 opened by schub - 8
- 8
Adding Salat built in JSON support
#14 opened by mzafer - 1
novus.salat not supported scala 2.10
#42 opened by khomyakov42 - 1
Create implicit json read for List collection which might be missing from input json
#43 opened by angeloh - 1
Please update sample for Play 2.1.x
#39 opened by eranation - 0
Add a Reads[ObjectId] and a Writes[ObjectId]
#34 opened by julienrf - 0
MongoOptions Support
#36 opened by ktonga - 1
- 2
Provide libs compiled with scala 2.9.2
#32 opened by rajish - 1
- 1
Registering JodaTimeConversions Helpers
#31 opened by mzafer - 2
Improve access to MongoDB object
#25 opened by mariussoutier - 6
Unresolved dependency.
#28 opened by chadhq - 5
- 8
Support username + password in mongodb uri
#21 opened by magnusart - 3
Mongolab doesn't allow list databases...
#23 opened by andypetrella - 7
- 3
- 2
- 10
#13 opened by gguan - 3
@Persist annotation
#11 opened by n0tel - 2
Unresolved Dependencies for version 1.0.4
#10 opened by n0tel - 7
- 3
Configuration to use Replica Sets
#7 opened by soldiermoth