
GPU particles example in Godot engine


GPU particles template in Godot engine.

preview of particles animation

Particles simulation with basic force fields rules.

preview of shader process

Billboard shader with sphere impostor.

preview of shader render

Particles shader preview

shader_type particles;

uniform float spawn_size = 0.1;
uniform float collision_size = 0.1;
uniform float curl_scale = 0.1;
uniform float curl_speed = 0.1;
uniform float goto_strength = 0.5;
uniform float curl_strength = 0.5;
uniform float global_speed = 0.5;
uniform float friction = 2.0;
uniform sampler2D map_noise;

// Dave Hoskins https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4djSRW
vec3 hash31(float p)
    vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p) * vec3(.1031, .1030, .0973));
    p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx+33.33);
    return fract((p3.xxy+p3.yzz)*p3.zyx);

void vertex()
    vec3 rng = hash31(float(INDEX))_2.-1.;
    vec3 origin = (EMISSION_TRANSFORM _ vec4(rng _ spawn_size,1)).xyz;
    if (RESTART)
        // spawn
        TRANSFORM[3].xyz = origin;

        // reset data
        CUSTOM.w = 0.0;
        // lifetime
        float lifetime = fract(CUSTOM.w);

        // go to target
        float dist_origin = length(TRANSFORM[3].xyz - origin);
        dist_origin = smoothstep(0.01, 0.1, dist_origin);
        vec3 goto_origin = vec3(0);
        if (dist_origin > 0.0)
            goto_origin = normalize(origin - TRANSFORM[3].xyz);

        // curl noise
        vec3 uv = TRANSFORM[3].xyz _ curl_scale;
        uv += TIME _ curl_speed;
        vec3 curl = vec3(
            textureLod(map_noise, uv.xz, 0.).r,
            textureLod(map_noise, uv.xy, 0.).r,
            textureLod(map_noise, uv.zy, 0.).r
        ) _ 2. - 1.;

        // friction
        VELOCITY _= 1. - DELTA _ friction;

        // velocity
        VELOCITY += curl _ curl_strength _ (dist_origin + 0.1) _ global_speed;
        VELOCITY += goto_origin _ goto_strength _ dist_origin _ global_speed;

        // floor collision
        if (TRANSFORM[3].y < 0.) VELOCITY.y = 0.;
        TRANSFORM[3].y = max(collision_size, TRANSFORM[3].y);

        // lifetime

Particles and spatial shaders manuals.

https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/particle_shader.html https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/shaders/shader_reference/spatial_shader.html