TMC Interview Skeleton

This is a skeleton app for the purpose of the TMC live coding interview. It is intentionally unpolished and unfinished. That's where you come in!

App Overview

To start the app fork this repo and clone it to your local machine.

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the app (the app will be served on port 3000)

npm start

You can view the app's data at localhost:3000/api/:resource. Available resources are provinces and cities

Task Outline

  1. Implement API route
    • Implement a route for /api/cities/:province that returns all the cities for the requested province.
    • Stretch: Sort cities by population in the response.
  2. Make API request and render data
    • When a user selects a province, make a request to the new API route and display a list of the province's cities.
    • Stretch: Display the city name in one column and the 2016 population in another column.
  3. Implement design styling
    • Implement styling for the wireframe below as best you can in the remaining time.