
This is just a pet project which tries to show how complexity increases through time for the most of projects.

Language support

At this this time only java project can be analyzed.

How to run

phase 1

  • Clone the project
  • You should have java and mysql installed
  • Clone https://github.com/mauricioaniche/ck
    • After cloned, you need to execute mvn install --skipTests
  • Go to application.properties and change username and password :P
  • Run com.deveficiente.complexitytracker.ComplexityTrackerApplication
  • Send a post using form-url-encoded for http://localhost:8080/generate-history with:
    • startDate - start of the range of commits. yyyy-MM-dd
    • endDate - end of the range of commits. yyyy-MM-dd
    • projectId - identifier that you choose for the project being imported
    • localGitPath - path to local git repo
    • javaFilesFolderPath - you need choose which package you want to analyze. Ex: src/main/java/org/jasig/ssp/service/impl
  • Each time you import a project with some id, the older version with the same id is deleted
  • After run, a 201 status should be returned with the first report url.

The suggestion here is to pick a small range. The complexy history will be showed ordered by class with higher loc(line of code). After that, I suggest you to analyze each of the classes in a larger(probably there is a better word here) range.

phase 2

  • Send a post using form-url-encoded for http://localhost:8080/generate-history with:
    • startDate - start of the range of commits. yyyy-MM-dd
    • endDate - end of the range of commits. yyyy-MM-dd
    • projectId - identifier that you choose for the class of the project being imported
    • localGitPath - path to local git repo
    • simpleClassName - a simple name of a class. This name will be used to filter all classes starting with it.
  • Each time you import history of a project with some id, the older version with the same id is deleted
  • After run, a 201 status should be returned with the first report url.

Now I suggest you to pick a different projectId and a larger() range