
Chrome extension for Suricat

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Suricat Extension

  • includes awesome messaging module
  • webpack-based build system
  • full ES6 support with Babel 6
  • linting using eslint with airbnb configuration
  • use node.js libraries
  • unit-tests in mocha

Build instructions:

To install dependencies:

cd chrome-extension-skeleton
npm install

Then to start a developing session (with watch), run:

npm start

To start a unit testing session (with watch):

npm test

To check code for linting errors:

npm run lint

To build production code + crx:

npm run build

To run unit tests in CI scripts:

npm run test:ci

Directory structure:

/build             # this is where your extension (.crx) will end up,
                   # along with unpacked directories of production and
                   # develop build (for debugging)

    /css           # CSS files
    /html          # HTML files
    /images        # image resources

    /js            # entry-points for browserify, requiring node.js `modules`

        /libs      # 3rd party run-time libraries, excluded from JS-linting
        /modules   # node.js modules (and corresponding mocha
                   #   unit tests spec files)

    manifest.json  # skeleton manifest file, `name`, `description`
                   #   and `version` fields copied from `package.json`

/webpack           # webpack configuration files

.babelrc           # Babel configuration
.eslintrc          # options for JS-linting
mykey.pem          # certificate file, YOU NEED TO GENERATE THIS FILE, see below
package.json       # project description file (name, version, dependencies, ...)