
Graphite + Carbon in a docker image

Primary LanguagePython

Graphite + Carbon

An all-in-one image running graphite and carbon-cache. Version: 0.9.12.

This image contains a sensible default configuration of graphite and carbon-cache. Starting this container will, by default, bind the the following host ports:

  • 80: the graphite web interface
  • 2003: the carbon-cache line receiver (the standard graphite protocol)
  • 2004: the carbon-cache pickle receiver
  • 7002: the carbon-cache query port (used by the web interface)

With this image, you can get up and running with graphite by simply running:

docker run -d nickstenning/graphite

If you already have services running on the host on one or more of these ports, you may wish to allow docker to assign random ports on the host. You can do this easily by running:

docker run -p 80 -p 2003 -p 2004 -p 7002 -d nickstenning/graphite

You can log into the administrative interface of graphite-web (a Django application) with the username admin and password admin. These passwords can be changed through the web interface.

NB: Please be aware that by default docker will make the exposed ports accessible from anywhere if the host firewall is unconfigured.

Data volumes

Graphite data is stored at /var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper within the container. If you wish to store your metrics outside the container (highly recommended) you can use docker's data volumes feature. For example, to store graphite's metric database at /data/graphite on the host, you could use:

docker run -v /data/graphite:/var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper \
           -d nickstenning/graphite

Technical details

By default, this instance of carbon-cache uses the following retention periods resulting in whisper files of approximately 2.5MiB.


For more information, see the repository.