
This script generates the prototypes of all the function written in the files given as arguments.

Primary LanguageC

A small header generator 🤖

What is it ?

This small program automatically generates nicely formatted headers of all the non-static functions written in the C files present inside the directories passed as arguments

How to use it ?

./prototypes dir1 dir2 ...

This will generate a prototypes.txt file which will contain all headers of the non-static functions written in the files of the directories (recursively).
For example, if dir1 contains a file named file1.c and a directory named subdir which contains file2.c, then all prototypes of the non-static functions inside file1.c and file2.c will be nicely written and organized in the prototypes.txt file. You can then copy/paste it to another file or just keep it as it is and rename your file into a .h file.

• There might be a small bug if you wrote a comment right above a function, the comment might be written to the file as well. I will fix it whenever I have time

Enjoy and have fun 🎉