- Absolute Paths (allows us to make clean import statements)
- ESLint, Prettier, Husky and Lint Staged (scan your code and find problems with ESLint, format your code as you like with Prettier and create git hooks with Husky)
- Commitizen (a tool that helps you write better commit messages by filling required fields in prompting window when you try to commit)
- Styling (sass is an CSS modules to style our application)
- Routing (react-router-dom enables client side routing by simply running the command below in our terminal)
- Global State Management (is a recommended way of using Redux for our global state management purposes)
- Custom Hooks (are reusable functions that we create with unique features)
- Multi Language (In the context of this project, we are going to use i18next library to support multi languages in our application)
- Axios (to make our HTTP requests)
codebase from my web application advanced studies with Vite + React + TS