Coding Takehome

About this tool

This tool was created using python 3.5, peewee to create a simple relational database to sotore data, Python lists to create sequences and control data over the rules

How to use

This file shows how to run this python program

  • create a virtual environment
  • install dependencies using the command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • to create de databases run, it will create a datafile Sqlite and create all data tables
  • store de file to be imported with the name transactions.json on the current path
  • run the to analyse the json file and create the sequences

next steps of this project

  • create a simple menu to run the program easily
  • create simple tests
  • create functions to search entries based on sequences
  • change similarity by diff to word recognition and grouping by word
  • on new insertions just look the sequence by description similarity and remade sequence only for this group, making it faster

Exercice Explanation


  • The solution should be written in Python
  • You may use any online non-human resource including stackoverflow, tutorials, documentation, open source libraries, etc
  • However, you should not use any library or function that specializes in anomaly detection.

Note: You do not need to provide any frontend interface. We are expecting a purely backend / command line solution.


You have been provided a data file transactions.json which contains a list of transactions, each transaction containing

  • a date (format: mm-dd-yyyy),
  • a string description
  • a transaction amount

The list of transactions are already sorted by date (earliest date first).

Part 1: Finding Sequences of Transactions

Create a function which analyzes the transactions and identify groups of transactions that are part of a sequence. A set of Transactions is considered a "sequence" if ALL the following conditions are met:

  1. The transaction descriptions are similar

  2. The timing of the transactions occur in regular intervals. Small deviations in the timing of the transactions by 2-3 days should not break a sequence.

  3. There are at least 4 transactions in the set

  4. No two transactions in the set are less than 4 days apart.

Note: that it is not necessary for a transaction to be part of a sequence.

Part 2: Save the transactions and sequence data in a data structure

The data structure can be of your choosing. A requirement of this data structure is that for any given transaction, the data structure should be able to quickly lookup the other transactions that are part of the same sequence, if any.


  • you do not need to provide any frontend interface
  • you do not need to write any unit / integration tests

Submitting your answer:

To submit your answer, send the files or a link to the repository to