
The Alpine Docker image with latest GCC compiler (C/C++)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

The Alpine Docker image with latest GCC

This image is based on Alpine Linux image and contains C/C++ compiler (GCC 7/8/9).

Docker Hub images

$ docker pull n0madic/alpine-gcc:7.4.0
$ docker pull n0madic/alpine-gcc:8.3.0
$ docker pull n0madic/alpine-gcc:9.1.0

Build image and usage

$ git clone https://github.com/n0madic/alpine-gcc.git
$ cd alpine-gcc
$ docker build --build-arg GCC_VERSION=7.4.0 --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=3.10 -t alpine-gcc .
$ docker build --build-arg GCC_VERSION=8.3.0 --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=3.10 -t alpine-gcc .
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src alpine-gcc