Frankenstein (Frankie, for friends) is a tool which allow you to proxy a website of your choice and modify it on the fly using a sequence of filters.
Basic usage:
frankie new myproject
cd myproject
Inside config.js specify the website you want to proxy and the chain of filters you want to apply.
Then start frankie:
frankie run
Point your browswer at
Enjoy your frankensteinaized website!
Some of the filters you can apply:
finds and replace some content, without parsing Html
"name": "first", // arbitrary filter name
"type": "simple", // filter type
"find": "World", // the word (or regex) you want to replace
"replace": "Frankie" // the substitution to apply
finds an element using XPath, then clear it
"name": "drop_login_box", // the name for this filter
"type": "XPathRemove", // filter type
"xpath": "//div[@id=\"head_right\"]" // element(s) to be cleared
injects a <script src="..."></script> node inside the head section
"name": "inject_vue_js", // filter name
"type": "InjectRemoteJS", // filter type
"url": "" // the remote script to load, in this case Vue.js
finds an element using an XPath expression, then set its text property
"name": "set_footer", // filter name
"type": "XPathSetText", // filter type
"find": "//span[@class=\"site-footer-credits\"]", // element to find
"text": "Proudly patched by <a href=\"\">frankie</a>." // content to be used as text property
selects an element from a remote document and inject it at the specified location
"name": "add_tagline", // filter name
"type": "XPathCopyFromRemote", // filter type
"origin": "", // the remote document with the element to be injected
"XPathSource": "//div[@id=\"readme\"]/article/p[1]", // the location of the element to be injected
"XPathDest": "//h2[@class=\"project-tagline\"]" // where it must be inserted in the local document