
Orderhive bundles syncronization to Xero invoices

Primary LanguagePHP

Orderhive bundles syncronization to Xero invoices

This application gets Invoice create/update events from Xero webhooks and updates line items with bundles, breaking down these bundle items in individual items.


  1. Install php7.4-cli and php7.4-curl

  2. Copy configuration.json.dist to configuration.json (or edit the existing file) and put credentials and other environment values:

  • retries - times API calls should be retried before giving up
  • timeBetweenRetries - time in seconds between retries
  • credentials
    • xero
      • client_id - App client id
      • client_secret - App client secret
      • redirect_uri - URL to redirect to after OAuth2 authencitation, usually https://domain.com/path/callback.php
      • webhook_key - App webhooks key
      • tenant_id - tenant id that should have invoices processed, get this from token.json or after completing the OAuth2 authorization
    • orderhive
      • id_token - API key
      • refresh_token - API refresh token
  • phpTimezone - Timezone that should be considered for date manipulation (this value overrides php.ini date.timezone)
  • cacheInMinutes - Time in minutes to reuse previous calls to Orderhive product listing and Xero get items endpoints. Use 0 to disable cache.
  1. Expose the folder /public on your webserver

  2. Configure Delivery URL on Xero (https://developer.xero.com > App > Webhooks) to point to https://domain.com/path/webhook.php

  3. Configure a cron job to call cli/webhook-worker.php

  4. Complete the OAuth2 authorization accessing /index.php and put tenant_id value in configuration.json

  5. If you install this as a custom connection, these are the scopes needed:

  • accounting.transactions
  • accounting.transactions.read
  • accouning.settings
  • accouning.settings.read

How this works

Every webhook call is saved as a temporary JSON file to /cache, when webhook-worker.php is executed it checks the payloads previously received and updates, if needed, the line items of the invoices with bundles. Only webhooks calls with create/update events in Invoices are processed.

API References



Rate limit https://developer.xero.com/documentation/guides/oauth2/limits/#api-rate-limits