

  • aceitar o PR e iniciar processo LERNA
  • add "isMatchinRegex" validator from 'hayashiteam/api'
  • grab changes for "isTooLongValidator" from 'hayashiteam/api'


  1. documentation
  • create a decent explaining CI/architecture decisions step by step (jeez, so many things to configure)
  • record gifs with "Gifox":
  1. wizard
  1. modules to add
  • add signup, signin and login(try to split it into a module so I can plug in wherever I want)
  1. try libs
  1. create fronte-end consumer application


  1. simple:
  • production ready dockerfile
  • support internationalization
  • example end points with functional tests/doc generation
    • [get] /health returning static dumb data (like "{ status: 'ok' }")
    • [get] /users/:id using fixtures
    • [post] /users using fixtures
  • deploy to heroku using ready
  1. standard:
  • production ready dockerfile
  • development ready docker-compose to tear up database/server
  • database integration with retry strategy on code
  • support to environment variables via .env
  • support internationalization
  • example endpoints
    • [get] /health return server/database status (mongoose.connection.readyState)
    • [get] /users/:id using database
    • [post] /users using database
  • deploy to heroku using ready
  1. prime
  • production ready dockerfile
  • development ready docker-compose to tear up database/server
  • database integration with retry strategy on code
  • support to environment variables via .env
  • support internationalization
  • example endpoints
    • [get] /health return server/database status
    • users module
      • [me] /me
    • authentication module
      • [post] /sign-up
      • [post] /sign-in
      • [post] /sign-out
  • authorization middleware
  • deploy to heroku using ready

Developing locally

There are two main dependencies: Node.js and Docker.

Once both are installed, land on the project folder and install it's packages:

cd ~/poc_nodejs_microservice
npm install

Now, it's simply as that:

Database will be started usingand docker-compose, environment variables will be loaded according to .env.example/.env, and the server will be running locally in live-reload in your terminal.

npm start

Running locally

Check out below another ways to run the micro-service locally, only using Docker:

# Running everything from "docker-compose" and taking advantage from "container name resolution":
## 1. Running database + server in one process
docker-compose up

## 2. Running database or server in separate processes
  ## 2.1. Using default values from ".env"
  docker-compose up server
  docker-compose up database

  ## 2.2. Overriding environment values are also possible (check "environments" under "docker-compose.yml")
  ### NOTE: Caution when overriding "MONGODB_HOST" to reach the local "database" container.
  ### In docker-compose we are making advantage of docker name resolution to connect to the database, set as
  ### "database" service on "docker-compose" file.
  ### This will not work:
  ### MONGODB_HOST= docker-compose up server
  ### This will work:
  ### MONGODB_HOST=database docker-compose up server
  PORT=3000 MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://database/db-prod docker-compose up server
  docker-compose up database

## 3. Running the application locally and the server from docker-compose
### NOTE 1: Variables can be overriden by comming before the start instruction.
### NOTE 2: Since you are connecting from your machine to a "docker container", the
### docker name resolution will not be able to work, because you are outside of its network.
### You will need to override "MONGODB_HOST" to "" or "" to be able to connect to it.
docker-compose up database

Useful links

How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

Libs to use