This is an interactive pendant light cube that you can interact with by bringing your hand close to the infrared sensors without the need to touch it.
- Interactions within 3 seconds will increase light intensity up to 7 levels and also reproduce the "coin" sound.
- Interactions after 3 seconds will turn off light and reproduce the "1-up" sound.
- Digispark Attiny85 USB board.
- NTD4806N-35G N-Channel MOSFET Transistor.
- Passive piezoelectric buzzer.
- IR emiter.
- IR receiver.
- 1K ohm resistor.
- 10K ohm resistor.
- 220 ohm resistor.
- 12V LED strip.
- 12V power supply.
- Marcelo Pchevuzinske: Laser cut, printed circuit board design and project execution.
- Leonardo Sposina: Electrical circuits design and code.