
Templates that add common licenses to Swift files.


Licensed Swift Templates

This is a collection of templates for creating Swift files that have an open source license included in the header. This means that if you are working on an open source project you can use these templates without having to copy and paste the license in to every new file you create.

This was inspired by a similar template collection that exists for creating objective-C classes, Xcode-licensed-templates by mattt.

You can select from your favorite open source licenses to be embedded in the header:

Installation & Usage

  • Clone this repo.
  • Copy the contents of the "Licensed Swift Templates" directory of this repository into /Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Application/File Templates.
  • Relaunch Xcode and select "File > New File", or use the ⌘N keyboard shortcut.
  • Select the "Licensed Swift Templates" category, then select the "Licensed Swift Template" file, and hit "Next".
  • Select the license that you wish to use, and hit "Next".


Xcode Licensed Templates is available under the The BSD 3-Clause License. Check the LICENSE file for more info.