

  1. NodeJs and NPM
  2. Docker and Docker-compose

Pre usage

npm install

Elastic search usage

  1. Copy env-example to .env

  2. Up the elastic service

docker-compose up -d elastic
  1. Add data to elastic search
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/imovel-ideal/real-estate/" -d "{ \"totalPriceRent\" : null, \"priceSale\" : 300000, \"productType\" : \"apartament\", \"neighborhood\" : \"Pitanguinha\", \"isToRent\" : 0, \"isToSell\" : 1, \"state\" : \"AL\", \"city\" : \"Maceió\", \"street\" : \"Avenida Pedro Alvares\", \"number\" : \"223\", \"photos\" : [{\"url:\": \"\"}, {\"url:\": \"\"}]}"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/imovel-ideal/real-estate/" -d "{ \"totalPriceRent\" : 3000, \"priceSale\": 500000, \"productType\" : \"house\", \"neighborhood\" : \"Farol\", \"isToRent\" : 1, \"isToSell\" : 1, \"state\" : \"AL\", \"city\" : \"Maceió\", \"street\" : \"Avenida Fernandes Lima\", \"number\" : \"223\", \"photos\" : [{\"url:\": \"\"}, {\"url:\": \"\"}]}"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/imovel-ideal/real-estate/" -d "{ \"totalPriceRent\" : 2100, \"priceSale\": null, \"productType\" : \"house\", \"neighborhood\" : \"Feitosa\", \"isToRent\" : 1, \"isToSell\" : 0, \"state\" : \"AL\", \"city\" : \"Maceió\", \"street\" : \"Avenida Governador Lamenha\", \"number\" : \"223\", \"photos\" : [{\"url:\": \"\"}, {\"url:\": \"\"}]}"
  1. Run the mariadb database
docker-compose up -d mariadb
  1. Run the api
npx nx serve api
  1. Open endpoint in the browser: http://localhost:3333/api/hello

Deploy front-end

  1. Instalar o serverless:
npm install -g serverless
  1. Para fazer o deploy execute o comando:
serverless deploy
  • Para mostrar os eventos em tempo real adicione:

Deploy api

  1. Buildar o container da aplicação:
docker build -t .
  1. Login no registry e envio da imagem:
docker login -u @user -p senha
docker push
  1. Deploy na api via container - puxando o container
docker pull
docker logout
docker-compose --compatibility up --remove-orphans -d
docker image prune -f