Find Tokenized Words in String


What are Tokenized Words?

  1. Words without space. For example, abc, def, a, b, c
  2. Quoted words with or without space. For example, "qwerty asd zxcv", "abc", "a"

Example Input and Output

Example 01

  • Input: asd def qwe "qwerty asd zxcv" asf "tyuip dfhgdj fgh"
  • Output: ['asd', 'def', 'qwe', '"qwerty asd zxcv"', 'asf', '"tyuip dfhgdj fgh"']

Example 02

  • Input: "qwerty asd zxcv"
  • Output: ['"qwerty asd zxcv"']

Example 03

  • Input: asd def qwe
  • Output: ['asd', 'def', 'qwe']



Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(N*N-1). Given N is the number of characters in the string
  • Space Complexity: O(M). Given M is the number of valid word token in an array.