
A service for the Serverless Framework that adds ES7 async/await support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Serverless ES7 async/await

A Serverless service that adds ES7 async/await support. Part of the Serverless Stack guide.

This uses the serverless-webpack plugin and Babel. It supports:

  • ES7 syntax in your handler functions
    • Use async/await
    • The spread operator
    • And much more!
  • Sourcemaps for proper error messages
    • Error message show the correct line numbers
    • Works in production with CloudWatch
  • Automatic support for multiple handler files
    • No need to add a new entry to your webpack.config.js

If you'd like to learn how to setup your existing Serverless project to support ES7 async/await, use this guide on Serverless-Stack.com.


A demo version of this service is hosted on AWS - https://ndgmy14knc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/hello

And here is the ES7 source behind it

export const hello = async (event, context, callback) => {
  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      message: `Go Serverless v1.0! ${(await message({ time: 1, copy: 'Your function executed successfully!'}))}`,
      input: event,

  callback(null, response);

const message = ({ time, ...rest }) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => 
  setTimeout(() => {
    resolve(`${rest.copy} (with a delay)`);
  }, time * 1000)



To create a new Serverless project with ES7 support.

$ serverless install --url https://github.com/AnomalyInnovations/serverless-es7

Enter the new directory

$ cd serverless-es7

Install the Node.js packages

$ npm install


To run a function on your local

$ serverless webpack invoke --function hello

And to deploy

$ serverless deploy

To add another function as a new file to your project, simply add the new file and add the reference to serverless.yml. The webpack.config.js automatically handles functions in different files.

How It Works

To ensure that you get all the ES7 capabilities while showing proper error messages and seamlessly integrating with the rest of your project, we do the following:

  • The webpack.config.js loads all your handlers from the serverless.yml and transpiles them using Babel. This means that you don't have to edit the webpack.config.js when you add a new handler file.
  • Generate the sourcemaps for all the transpiled files and load the sourcemaps in each of the handler files.
  • Catch and log any unhandled exceptions to ensure that async functions can log errors.

The result is that you should see proper error messages in your CloudWatch or console logs.


  • Send us an email if you have any questions
  • Open a new issue if you've found a bug or have some suggestions.
  • Or submit a pull request!