
Check bookings for TUM libraries.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

TUM Library Checker

Only for educational purposes

This repository contains a crawler to save bookings for TUM libraries in a CSV file.

Sample data from 2021-12-11 to 2022-01-08 can be found here. The data is very diverse due to the Christmas break.

The quick vizualization below can be found in this notebook.


How to run

Clone the repository.

(optional) Create a Python 3.9 virtual environment and source it.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

(optional) Create a custom .env file and edit it (otherwise, default values are used).

cp template.env .env

Run the crawler once. The CSV is saved in the data path directory.

python run_crawler.py

(optional) Create a cron job that runs the crawler periodically.

* * * * * REPO_PATH/venv/bin/python REPO_PATH/run_crawler.py


  • Analyse the data
  • Create a bot to make reservations (only for educational purposes)