async helpers for golang
go get
import (
var data = []interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}
var each = func(d interface{}) {
// run in parallel
async.Each(data, each)
// run in parallel with specified limit
async.EachLimit(data, 2, each)
// run in parallel with limit as the number of cpus
async.EachCPU(data, each)
// run in parallel with maximum number of processes
async.EachProc(data, each)
// process each element and return an array of the results
var eachRes = func(d interface{}) interface{} {
return d+"o"
// results is []interface{}
results := async.Map(data, eachRes)
// run n times in parallel
var eachTimes = func(n int) interface{} {
return n
// res is []interface{}
res := async.Times(5, eachTimes)