
🌠 Meteor.js + React boilerplate to quickly get your SaaS application off the ground

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🌠 A Meteor.js + React boilerplate to quickly get your SaaS application off the ground


  • Meteor
  • React and React-Router
  • Chakra UI
  • User accounts
  • Basic CRUD flow with client / server side validation using simpl-schema
  • Paid subscriptions with different plans, using Stripe + Checkout
  • Boring Basic terms & conditions / privacy policy pages, cookies consent popup

To Do

  • Alternative sign-in providers (E.g. Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
  • Deployement via Meteor Up.

Creating settings.json

The application expects a settings.json file in the root folder, which hasn't been committed to github (and it shouldn't be) as it stores most of the application secret keys. Running the app without it will cause a very straightforward settings.json: file not found (settings file) error. You must create this file yourself and fill the relevant secret information:

  "public": {
    "stripe": {
      "key" : "pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "private": {
    "stripe": {
      "key": "sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "webhook_secret": "whsec_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "product": "prod_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  • public.stripe.key is your public Stripe API key
  • private.stripe.key is your private Stripe API key
  • private.stripe.webhook_secret is your Stripe webhooks signing secret
  • private.stripe.product is the API ID of the product

Setting up Stripe

  • Access your Stripe dashboard, create a new account (or use an existing one)
  • Under "Developer" > "API keys", note down the Publishable key and Secret key, and write them in your settings.json
  • Under "Products", create a new product, then note down its product API ID and write it in the settings.json file
    • Create one or more recurring price schemes for the product
  • Under "Developer" > "Webhooks", add a new endpoint to {YOUR_APP_URL}/api/stripe/webhooks, sending all events
    • During development, you can use ngrok to get a public URL tunneling to your localhost for testing
    • Note down the webhook signing secret, and write it in your settings.json
  • In "Settings", navigate to "Customer Portal" under "Billing", customize the options as you see fit and click "Save" - this is needed in order to create portal sessions in test mode.