
node-sequelize-stream is a library allowing to stream data with sequelize.

npm install node-sequelize-stream

To have "findAllWithStream" method in your models you need to pass your sequelize instance to sequelizeStream function:

const sequelizeStream = require('node-sequelize-stream');
const sequelize = new Sequelize(...);
// models initialization
sequelizeStream(sequelize, defaultBatchSize, isObjectMode);

defaultBatchSize - is an optional parameter that means default amount of batches to be fetched with each chunk for all models. Default value is 100.

To get stream object you need to do:

const stream = db.models.User.findAllWithStream({batchSize: 50, isObjectMode: true, ...otherSequelizeParams});
const stream = db.models.User.bulkCreateWithStream(
  [{id: 1, name: 'SomeUser'}, ...], 
  {batchSize: 50, isObjectMode: true, ...otherSequelizeParams}
const stream = db.models.User.updateWithStream(
  {name: 'UpdatedName'}, 
  {batchSize: 50, isObjectMode: true, where: {...}, ...otherSequelizeParams}
const stream = db.models.User.destroyWithStream({
  batchSize: 50,
  isObjectMode: true,
  where: {...}, 

batchSize - is an optional parameter that means default batch size for target action (model batch size or default batch size will be taken if parameter is not defined).

isObjectMode - is an optional parameter that switches object mode for a stream. If enabled then stream chunks will be an object. If disabled then stream chunk is a buffer as usual.

Also batch size can be set for each model separately like this:

const User = instance.define('User', {...});
User.BATCH_SIZE = 10;
User.IS_OBJECT_MODE = true;